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Proteina Vegana Extreme
La Proteina Vegana Extreme di The Protein Works ™ racchiude più proteine, vitamine, minerali e grassi sani in un unico frullato proteico vegano di quasi tutte le altre proteine proteiche vegane disponibili oggi. Ogni porzione offre 25g di proteine vegane, utilizzando una miscela unica di proteine isolate di soia, proteine della canapa , proteine dei fagioli faba e proteine del girasole. Questa miscela proteica vegana viene quindi fusa con una miscela di semi di lino dorati e una miscela di vitamine e minerali studiata nutrizionalmente per creare l'ultima polvere proteica vegana. La Proteina Vegana Extreme può essere utilizzata da chiunque conduca uno stile di vita attivo che ha un elevato fabbisogno di proteine, carboidrati e grassi. -
Proteina Vegana Extreme
La Proteina Vegana Extreme di The Protein Works ™ racchiude più proteine, vitamine, minerali e grassi sani in un unico frullato proteico vegano di quasi tutte le altre proteine proteiche vegane disponibili oggi. Ogni porzione offre 25g di proteine vegane, utilizzando una miscela unica di proteine isolate di soia, proteine della canapa , proteine dei fagioli faba e proteine del girasole. Questa miscela proteica vegana viene quindi fusa con una miscela di semi di lino dorati e una miscela di vitamine e minerali studiata nutrizionalmente per creare l'ultima polvere proteica vegana. La Proteina Vegana Extreme può essere utilizzata da chiunque conduca uno stile di vita attivo che ha un elevato fabbisogno di proteine, carboidrati e grassi. -
Burro Di Mandorle Al Cacao
Il Burro di Cacao alle Mandorle combinando i due ingredienti che gustano di più, la combinazione di un indulgente cioccolato con il tocco croccante e la ricchezza di mandorle naturali anche solo un cucchiaio di questo mostro é capace di soddisfare ogni desiderio,. Ma se si desidera ancora di più, si spalma su alcuni toast o si mangia in abbondanza su alcuni pancake di proteine e tu avrai degli spuntini sani e nutrienti con un'energia elevata e tante fibre per cui i maratoneti e i cioccolatieri andrebbero in estasi. Il cacao arriva dalla Repubblica Domenicana e stuzzica tutte le papille gustative nell'unico modo che tu ti immagini dal cacao Caraibico. Loro hanno usato lo Zucchero del Latte di Cocco per aggiungere una dolcezza naturale che ti immagineresti complementare un tale ricco sapore di cioccolato domenicano , loro hanno anche aggiunto un pizzico di sale Rosa Himalaiano perché é piú nutriente di quello tradizionale e perché noi siamo veramente ossessionati dal gusto che innoviamo gli ingredienti naturali per stuzzicare le vostre papille. -
Sostituto Del Pasto Dietetico Extreme
What Are The Key Features So when we set the challenge to the Nutritional Ninjas to break all Diet Meal Replacement Records, we didn’t know they’d take it as far as they did! But 141 days later & we’re buzzing about this shake for so many reasons, here’s the vitals that you need to know (and brag about…) 1. Specially formulated to help with weight loss. 2. Low in both fat and sugar. 3. Contains Digezyme® a multi-enzyme complex that help break down carbohydrates, lactose, cellulosic fibres, fats and proteins for easier absorption. 4. Full range of health contributing vitamins, ideal for maintaining energy levels, reducing tiredness and keeping your immune system in top condition. 5. Konjac Glucomannan, a form of fibre that has been found in studies to contribute to weight loss. 6. High in protein which contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass key when losing weight. 7. For the FREE FROM addicts, this beast is also What Free, Gluten Free, GM Free and Vegetarian. Why Should I Use Diet Meal Replacement Extreme We’re pretty obsessed with looking at all nutrition in a way that dispels the myths, challenges the status quo and above all, helps you do what your body needs, not what the masses say you need. Where does this leave us with Diet Meal Replacement Extreme? Well lets take a short journey into the word of Neurotransmitters and Homeostasis … bare with us, this stuff matters because they’re two of the biggest reasons diets fail and we’re talking long term. Put very bluntly, you’re more likely to fail when you don’t give your body the nutritional goodies that will temper your neurotransmitters – think of these as the swot team of dietary deficiencies, if you’re lacking in something they think you need, they’ve got the power to pretty much hijack your body, walk your legs to the cookie jar and only bring you back to consciousness once you’re covered in crumbs asking yourself what happened! You can get these under control with Diet Meal Replacement Extreme because not only does it pack a weight of vitamins and minerals but also specifically formulated fibres that interrupt craving signals in their tracks. Next up, Homeostasis, think of this as the stealth dieting destroyer! It’s the reason why you might have seen rapid weight loss, followed by even faster weight gain, or in less severe cases a complete weight loss plateau that leads to a discipline disaster. Combatting this challenge is about getting the body into a balanced state where by sustainable fat loss can be achieved. How does Diet Meal Replacement Extreme help tackling this tinker? Well, with a shake a day, because it’s complimented with the right amounts of vitamins and minerals and the most effective extracts, like green tea this has been... -
Sostituto Del Pasto Dietetico Extreme
What Are The Key Features So when we set the challenge to the Nutritional Ninjas to break all Diet Meal Replacement Records, we didn’t know they’d take it as far as they did! But 141 days later & we’re buzzing about this shake for so many reasons, here’s the vitals that you need to know (and brag about…) 1. Specially formulated to help with weight loss. 2. Low in both fat and sugar. 3. Contains Digezyme® a multi-enzyme complex that help break down carbohydrates, lactose, cellulosic fibres, fats and proteins for easier absorption. 4. Full range of health contributing vitamins, ideal for maintaining energy levels, reducing tiredness and keeping your immune system in top condition. 5. Konjac Glucomannan, a form of fibre that has been found in studies to contribute to weight loss. 6. High in protein which contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass key when losing weight. 7. For the FREE FROM addicts, this beast is also What Free, Gluten Free, GM Free and Vegetarian. Why Should I Use Diet Meal Replacement Extreme We’re pretty obsessed with looking at all nutrition in a way that dispels the myths, challenges the status quo and above all, helps you do what your body needs, not what the masses say you need. Where does this leave us with Diet Meal Replacement Extreme? Well lets take a short journey into the word of Neurotransmitters and Homeostasis … bare with us, this stuff matters because they’re two of the biggest reasons diets fail and we’re talking long term. Put very bluntly, you’re more likely to fail when you don’t give your body the nutritional goodies that will temper your neurotransmitters – think of these as the swot team of dietary deficiencies, if you’re lacking in something they think you need, they’ve got the power to pretty much hijack your body, walk your legs to the cookie jar and only bring you back to consciousness once you’re covered in crumbs asking yourself what happened! You can get these under control with Diet Meal Replacement Extreme because not only does it pack a weight of vitamins and minerals but also specifically formulated fibres that interrupt craving signals in their tracks. Next up, Homeostasis, think of this as the stealth dieting destroyer! It’s the reason why you might have seen rapid weight loss, followed by even faster weight gain, or in less severe cases a complete weight loss plateau that leads to a discipline disaster. Combatting this challenge is about getting the body into a balanced state where by sustainable fat loss can be achieved. How does Diet Meal Replacement Extreme help tackling this tinker? Well, with a shake a day, because it’s complimented with the right amounts of vitamins and minerals and the most effective extracts, like green tea this has been... -
Sostituto Del Pasto Dietetico Extreme
What Are The Key Features So when we set the challenge to the Nutritional Ninjas to break all Diet Meal Replacement Records, we didn’t know they’d take it as far as they did! But 141 days later & we’re buzzing about this shake for so many reasons, here’s the vitals that you need to know (and brag about…) 1. Specially formulated to help with weight loss. 2. Low in both fat and sugar. 3. Contains Digezyme® a multi-enzyme complex that help break down carbohydrates, lactose, cellulosic fibres, fats and proteins for easier absorption. 4. Full range of health contributing vitamins, ideal for maintaining energy levels, reducing tiredness and keeping your immune system in top condition. 5. Konjac Glucomannan, a form of fibre that has been found in studies to contribute to weight loss. 6. High in protein which contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass key when losing weight. 7. For the FREE FROM addicts, this beast is also What Free, Gluten Free, GM Free and Vegetarian. Why Should I Use Diet Meal Replacement Extreme We’re pretty obsessed with looking at all nutrition in a way that dispels the myths, challenges the status quo and above all, helps you do what your body needs, not what the masses say you need. Where does this leave us with Diet Meal Replacement Extreme? Well lets take a short journey into the word of Neurotransmitters and Homeostasis … bare with us, this stuff matters because they’re two of the biggest reasons diets fail and we’re talking long term. Put very bluntly, you’re more likely to fail when you don’t give your body the nutritional goodies that will temper your neurotransmitters – think of these as the swot team of dietary deficiencies, if you’re lacking in something they think you need, they’ve got the power to pretty much hijack your body, walk your legs to the cookie jar and only bring you back to consciousness once you’re covered in crumbs asking yourself what happened! You can get these under control with Diet Meal Replacement Extreme because not only does it pack a weight of vitamins and minerals but also specifically formulated fibres that interrupt craving signals in their tracks. Next up, Homeostasis, think of this as the stealth dieting destroyer! It’s the reason why you might have seen rapid weight loss, followed by even faster weight gain, or in less severe cases a complete weight loss plateau that leads to a discipline disaster. Combatting this challenge is about getting the body into a balanced state where by sustainable fat loss can be achieved. How does Diet Meal Replacement Extreme help tackling this tinker? Well, with a shake a day, because it’s complimented with the right amounts of vitamins and minerals and the most effective extracts, like green tea this has been... -
Sostituto Del Pasto Dietetico Extreme
What Are The Key Features So when we set the challenge to the Nutritional Ninjas to break all Diet Meal Replacement Records, we didn’t know they’d take it as far as they did! But 141 days later & we’re buzzing about this shake for so many reasons, here’s the vitals that you need to know (and brag about…) 1. Specially formulated to help with weight loss. 2. Low in both fat and sugar. 3. Contains Digezyme® a multi-enzyme complex that help break down carbohydrates, lactose, cellulosic fibres, fats and proteins for easier absorption. 4. Full range of health contributing vitamins, ideal for maintaining energy levels, reducing tiredness and keeping your immune system in top condition. 5. Konjac Glucomannan, a form of fibre that has been found in studies to contribute to weight loss. 6. High in protein which contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass key when losing weight. 7. For the FREE FROM addicts, this beast is also What Free, Gluten Free, GM Free and Vegetarian. Why Should I Use Diet Meal Replacement Extreme We’re pretty obsessed with looking at all nutrition in a way that dispels the myths, challenges the status quo and above all, helps you do what your body needs, not what the masses say you need. Where does this leave us with Diet Meal Replacement Extreme? Well lets take a short journey into the word of Neurotransmitters and Homeostasis … bare with us, this stuff matters because they’re two of the biggest reasons diets fail and we’re talking long term. Put very bluntly, you’re more likely to fail when you don’t give your body the nutritional goodies that will temper your neurotransmitters – think of these as the swot team of dietary deficiencies, if you’re lacking in something they think you need, they’ve got the power to pretty much hijack your body, walk your legs to the cookie jar and only bring you back to consciousness once you’re covered in crumbs asking yourself what happened! You can get these under control with Diet Meal Replacement Extreme because not only does it pack a weight of vitamins and minerals but also specifically formulated fibres that interrupt craving signals in their tracks. Next up, Homeostasis, think of this as the stealth dieting destroyer! It’s the reason why you might have seen rapid weight loss, followed by even faster weight gain, or in less severe cases a complete weight loss plateau that leads to a discipline disaster. Combatting this challenge is about getting the body into a balanced state where by sustainable fat loss can be achieved. How does Diet Meal Replacement Extreme help tackling this tinker? Well, with a shake a day, because it’s complimented with the right amounts of vitamins and minerals and the most effective extracts, like green tea this has been... -
Preparato Per Mug Cake Proteico
Il Mug Cake Proteico è un dessert al cioccolato delizioso che potete preparare in pochi secondi. Innovazione rivoluzionaria del team di TPW Towers, questo budino indulgente è ricco di proteine e fibre, ma contiene meno di 2g di grassi per porzione. Il Mug Cake Proteico è formulato con aromi naturali e con una miscela di proteine di alta qualita’ per fornire un profilo nutrizionale eccellente. Nessun’abilità di cottura desiderata, basta seguire le nostre semplici indicazioni. Vi diamo inoltre infiniti modi per personalizzare il vostro Mug Cake, per poter gustare un piccolo peccato di gola ma senza sensi di colpa. Dessert caldo al cioccolato indulgente, ricco di proteine e fibre e con meno di 2g di grassi. -
Preparato Per Mug Cake Proteico
Il Mug Cake Proteico è un dessert al cioccolato delizioso che potete preparare in pochi secondi. Innovazione rivoluzionaria del team di TPW Towers, questo budino indulgente è ricco di proteine e fibre, ma contiene meno di 2g di grassi per porzione. Il Mug Cake Proteico è formulato con aromi naturali e con una miscela di proteine di alta qualita’ per fornire un profilo nutrizionale eccellente. Nessun’abilità di cottura desiderata, basta seguire le nostre semplici indicazioni. Vi diamo inoltre infiniti modi per personalizzare il vostro Mug Cake, per poter gustare un piccolo peccato di gola ma senza sensi di colpa. Dessert caldo al cioccolato indulgente, ricco di proteine e fibre e con meno di 2g di grassi. -
Sostituto Del Pasto Vegano
Abbiamo deciso di scrivere non solo la regola del cibo e il fitness con questo incredibile frullato, ma di costruire un Frullato Sostitutivo Vegano che diventi una formidabile forza della natura. 6 mesi e oltre 100 test di degustazione completati e noi siamo qui ad amare un frullato nella sua completezza perché ha un profilo nutrizionale senza compromessi. Costituito da oltre 18g di 5 diverse fonti di proteine a base vegetale e fortificate con una miscela di vitamine e minerali (calcio, potassio, zinco e naturalmente Vitamina B12), abbiamo quindi aggiunto il 100% di sapori naturali. Il risultato finale, con fiducia, orgoglio, senza scuse, noi diciamo che é questo Sostituto del Pasto Vegano che non ha rivali con nessun altro nel mercato. -
Sostituto Del Pasto Vegano
Abbiamo deciso di scrivere non solo la regola del cibo e il fitness con questo incredibile frullato, ma di costruire un Frullato Sostitutivo Vegano che diventi una formidabile forza della natura. 6 mesi e oltre 100 test di degustazione completati e noi siamo qui ad amare un frullato nella sua completezza perché ha un profilo nutrizionale senza compromessi. Costituito da oltre 18g di 5 diverse fonti di proteine a base vegetale e fortificate con una miscela di vitamine e minerali (calcio, potassio, zinco e naturalmente Vitamina B12), abbiamo quindi aggiunto il 100% di sapori naturali. Il risultato finale, con fiducia, orgoglio, senza scuse, noi diciamo che é questo Sostituto del Pasto Vegano che non ha rivali con nessun altro nel mercato. -
Sostituto Del Pasto Vegano
Abbiamo deciso di scrivere non solo la regola del cibo e il fitness con questo incredibile frullato, ma di costruire un Frullato Sostitutivo Vegano che diventi una formidabile forza della natura. 6 mesi e oltre 100 test di degustazione completati e noi siamo qui ad amare un frullato nella sua completezza perché ha un profilo nutrizionale senza compromessi. Costituito da oltre 18g di 5 diverse fonti di proteine a base vegetale e fortificate con una miscela di vitamine e minerali (calcio, potassio, zinco e naturalmente Vitamina B12), abbiamo quindi aggiunto il 100% di sapori naturali. Il risultato finale, con fiducia, orgoglio, senza scuse, noi diciamo che é questo Sostituto del Pasto Vegano che non ha rivali con nessun altro nel mercato. -
La Mini Borraccia
Le cose migliori arrivano davvero nel formato ridotto! Vi presentiamo la Mini Borraccia. Sorellina della 2.2L, questa borraccia con capacitá da 1.2L permette di avere una buona scorta di H2O e di essere facilmente trasportabile. La perfetta bottiglia per la palestra o quando si fa sport. -
Proteina Vegana
<p>Vegan Protein is exclusive to THE PROTEIN WORKS™ and is created using a unique blend of 5 premium plant proteins, making it the definitive dairy-free, vegan-friendly protein shake. Low in fat and sugar and packing more than 25g of protein per serving, Vegan Protein is ideal for those looking for a premium non-dairy protein source to boost their daily protein intake.</p> <p> </p> <p>The legends in the TPW™ lab were challenged with creating a product worthy of being crowned the world champion of non-dairy protein shakes, and as always…they delivered! Vegan Protein contains a one-of-a-kind plant protein blend featuring 5 of the finest dairy-free proteins from the TPW portfolio- Soya Protein Isolate, Sunflower Protein, White Hemp Protein, Pea Protein Isolate and Brown Rice Protein. Even better, it’s available in 4 delicious flavour options, made of course with our world-renowned TPW™ all-natural flavours.</p> <p> </p> -
Proteina Vegana
La Proteina Vegana si trova solo a TPW™. E' formulata unicamente con una miscela di 5 proteine premium a base vegetale, ogni sacchetto non contiene latticini, è adatto ai vegani e contiene i nostri sapori e coloranti del tutto naturali. Con più di 25 g di proteine per porzione, è giusto sottolineare che nessun altra proteina vegan sul mercato si avvicina al suo gusto, alla sua consistenza e al suo profilo nutrizionale. La Proteina Vegana è stata per mesi nel processo decisionale. La ragione per cui è così buona è perché i nutrizionisti TPW™ non volevano fermarsi fino a quando non avrebbero creato un frullato che era degno di essere incoronato campione del mondo di fonti proteiche vegane. la Proteina Vegana è prodotta con le 5 migliori proteine senza latte e derivati, tra cui le proteine di soia isolate, le proteine di semi di girasole, le proteine della canapa bianca, le proteine del riso integrale e le proteine del pisello ed è disponibile in 5 gusti, fatti con i nostri aromi del tutto naturali TPW™. -
Proteine Vegane
La Proteina Vegana si trova solo a TPW™. E' formulata unicamente con una miscela di 5 proteine premium a base vegetale, ogni sacchetto non contiene latticini, è adatto ai vegani e contiene i nostri sapori e coloranti del tutto naturali. Con più di 25 g di proteine per porzione, è giusto sottolineare che nessun altra proteina vegan sul mercato si avvicina al suo gusto, alla sua consistenza e al suo profilo nutrizionale. La Proteina Vegana è stata per mesi nel processo decisionale. La ragione per cui è così buona è perché i nutrizionisti TPW™ non volevano fermarsi fino a quando non avrebbero creato un frullato che era degno di essere incoronato campione del mondo di fonti proteiche vegane. la Proteina Vegana è prodotta con le 5 migliori proteine senza latte e derivati, tra cui le proteine di soia isolate, le proteine di semi di girasole, le proteine della canapa bianca, le proteine del riso integrale e le proteine del pisello ed è disponibile in 5 gusti, fatti con i nostri aromi del tutto naturali TPW™. -
Proteina Vegana
Our Vegan Protein shake is created using a unique blend of 5 premium plant based protein powders, making it the definitive dairy-free, vegan-friendly protein shake on the market. Low in fat and sugar and packing more than 25g of protein per serving, Vegan Protein is ideal for those looking for a premium, vegan protein powder to boost their daily protein intake. Vegan Protein contains a one-of-a-kind plant protein blend featuring 5 of the finest dairy-free proteins from the TPW portfolio - Soya Protein Isolate, Sunflower Protein, White Hemp Protein, Pea Protein Isolate and Brown Rice Protein. Even better, it’s available in 8 delicious flavour options, made of course with our world-renowned flavours. -
Proteina Vegana
Our Vegan Protein shake is created using a unique blend of 5 premium plant based protein powders, making it the definitive dairy-free, vegan-friendly protein shake on the market. Low in fat and sugar and packing more than 25g of protein per serving, Vegan Protein is ideal for those looking for a premium, vegan protein powder to boost their daily protein intake. Vegan Protein contains a one-of-a-kind plant protein blend featuring 5 of the finest dairy-free proteins from the TPW portfolio - Soya Protein Isolate, Sunflower Protein, White Hemp Protein, Pea Protein Isolate and Brown Rice Protein. Even better, it’s available in 8 delicious flavour options, made of course with our world-renowned flavours. -
Proteina Vegana
Our Vegan Protein shake is created using a unique blend of 5 premium plant based protein powders, making it the definitive dairy-free, vegan-friendly protein shake on the market. Low in fat and sugar and packing more than 25g of protein per serving, Vegan Protein is ideal for those looking for a premium, vegan protein powder to boost their daily protein intake. Vegan Protein contains a one-of-a-kind plant protein blend featuring 5 of the finest dairy-free proteins from the TPW portfolio - Soya Protein Isolate, Sunflower Protein, White Hemp Protein, Pea Protein Isolate and Brown Rice Protein. Even better, it’s available in 8 delicious flavour options, made of course with our world-renowned flavours. -
Proteina Vegana
Vegan Protein is exclusive to THE PROTEIN WORKS™ and is created using a unique blend of 5 premium plant proteins, making it the definitive dairy-free, vegan-friendly protein shake. Low in fat and sugar and packing more than 25g of protein per serving, Vegan Protein is ideal for those looking for a premium non-dairy protein source to boost their daily protein intake. The legends in the TPW™ lab were challenged with creating a product worthy of being crowned the world champion of non-dairy protein shakes, and as always…they delivered! Vegan Protein contains a one-of-a-kind plant protein blend featuring 5 of the finest dairy-free proteins from the TPW portfolio- Soya Protein Isolate, Sunflower Protein, White Hemp Protein, Pea Protein Isolate and Brown Rice Protein. Even better, it’s available in 4 delicious flavour options, made of course with our world-renowned TPW™ all-natural flavours.