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Le livre enluminé médiéval instrument politique
Cet ouvrage réunit quatorze essais sur l’utilisation des livres enluminés médiévaux dans le cadre d’actions, de comportements et de relations politiques au sein des sociétés européennes, entendant ici par “politique” l’exercice du pouvoir à travers ses multiples manifestations. En analysant les liens entre le livre enluminé et le fait politique, les auteurs ont étudié les raisons des commanditaires et des concepteurs des manuscrits dans leurs contextes historiques et sociaux de réalisation, la vie des livres comme objets dotés d’une valeur à la fois économique et symbolique, leur utilisation comme moyen de communication ainsi que leur postérité. -
Step by step. Towards the sacred. Ritual, movement, and visual culture in the Middle Ages
The articles published in this volume aim to contribute to the art historical debates on the role of visual culture within medieval rituals and how the latter were experienced bodily. The studies focus on the essential importance of movement within medieval religious practice and its impact on production, conception, perception, and use of artistic objects and architecture in the Middle Ages. At their core is the moving body, individual or collective, which enters into dialogue with the surrounding architectural or urban space, artefacts, and images, thus awakening their sacred potential with each and every step. Shifting attention to the movement of the worshipers and the objects themselves, this book wishes to instigate further discussion on various medieval visual cultures. -
Samarkand. Living the city in the soviet era and beyond
Samarkand, located along the Silk Road, has a history that is often confused with a fabled image of the East. This book, however, deals with a real city, narrating the changes that took place while it was part of the USSR and in the period following, all the way up to the present. In Samarkand, the passage between these two eras reflects the broader transformation that affected Uzbekistan and the other Central Asian countries, which were internal colonies, first of Russia and then of the Soviet Union, before becoming independent states. Step by step, the reader enters the city, its various districts, private homes, public places, and hears the stories of diverse individuals and families.Based on archival records, interviews and photographs, the book traces the changes in cultures and ways of life in Samarkand over this period, and investigates the tensions of the post-Soviet years. The Russians vanished from the city they had colonised or guided through the years of Soviet “modernisation”, as did many populations that had been deported there during the Second World War, and various local minorities. The city experienced a period of profound crisis, was transformed in terms of the composition of its population, constructed a new national image, rewrote its history and finally emerged ready to receive tourists with their cameras. -
Modus vivendi. Religious reform and the laity in late medieval Europe
Modus Vivendi is a collection of essays by scholars who seek to discover lay men and women within the projects of reform and renewal in later medieval Europe. Religious life was never without change, yet religious orders, preachers, and institutions of learning proclaimed their desire to make religious life more sincere. In doing so, they occasionally developed a mission to lay people alongside professional religious. Such encounters with the laity – through the writing of theology in the vernacular, in the delivery of charismatic preaching, in the operation of inquisition into heresy, in the composition of new liturgies, and through networks of patronage – created modes of living religion – modus vivendi – of creativity as well as discipline. They contributed to religious life beyond the routine provisions of parish life, and often included women in novel ways. Modus Vivendi spans European regions across the period 1350-1500 in its studies, based on texts, objects, and images which have been little studied so far. -
L' eredità di Armando Petrucci. Tra paleografia e storia sociale. Ediz. bilingue
Armando Petrucci (1932-2018) è stato un grande paleografo e uno storico della scrittura di fama internazionale, il cui apporto alle relative discipline, per lui strettamente legate se non coincidenti, ha rappresentato un'autentica rivoluzione. Questo volume raccoglie una serie di saggi scritti da studiosi di diverse generazioni e nazionalità che si riconoscono nel suo insegnamento. Essi analizzano il suo metodo di lavoro, che partiva dal principio di studiare le testimonianze scritte a prescindere da epoca, modalità e materiali. Documenti pubblici, lettere private, iscrizioni di apparato, graffiti murali: nessuna manifestazione scritta gli è stata estranea e a ciascuna ha rivolto sei ben note domande (che cosa, quando, dove, come, chi, perché). In appendice un testo inedito in cui Petrucci illustra la cultura grafica degli artisti italiani del Rinascimento. -
Conflitti di popolo. Lo spazio politico di Orvieto (1280-1337)
Per circa cinquant'anni, a partire dagli anni Ottanta del Duecento, Orvieto fu retta da governi di popolo e la sua storia politica è stata ritenuta un esempio dei successi e dell'involuzione di questo tipo di regimi: la salita al potere di Manno Monaldeschi ha rappresentato infatti il fallimento del governo popolare come causa dell'affermazione di un signore. Non è però possibile ritenere il progetto politico del popolo antitetico a quello attuato da Manno, soprattutto perché la natura del popolo a Orvieto cambiò più volte in quegli anni. Proprio il popolo si rivela un oggetto molto meno definito di quanto si potrebbe pensare e la domanda a cui questo libro prova a dare risposta, studiando lo spazio politico orvietano tra il 1280 e il 1337, è cosa fu la pars populi in una città italiana governata per decenni da un regime popolare. -
Emozioni e luoghi urbani. Dall'antichità a oggi. Ediz. illustrata
Possono le emozioni conferire identità e significato ai luoghi? E a loro volta i luoghi sono rappresentativi degli stati emotivi individuali e collettivi di chi li pratica? E che tipo di testimonianze e tracce documentali ne hanno lasciato nell'iconografia e nel lessico delle fonti? Partendo da questi interrogativi e da visuali tematiche e temporali assai diverse tra loro, che spaziano dall'archeologia al cinema, dal linguaggio dell'arte alla storia, gli autori dei diversi contributi propongono una serie di casi studio in cui la dimensione culturale e performativa delle emozioni va a intrecciarsi con la storia sociale dei processi di configurazione dello spazio urbano. Il libro include anche un'intervista al land artist Saype, famoso per le sue incredibili realizzazioni di 'affresco' della natura in luoghi-simbolo di città come Parigi, Istanbul e New York. -
Images of Purgatory. Studies in religious imagination and innovation (The Czech Lands, 1600-1800)
On the example of the Czech lands, the book discusses the transformation of the representation of Purgatory in the period between the late Reformation debates at the end of the sixteenth century and partial rejection of Purgatory by the so-called reform Catholicism of the late eighteenth century.The authors, moving permanently in-between history and art history, gradually analyse theology, iconography, practice, and reception of Purgatory. They address the questions of space and time in Purgatory, of emotions and the early modern ""affects"""", treatment of images in religious practice, circulation and diffusion of meditative texts and images, or the problem of revenant souls. The book offers a comprehensive consideration of the development of a fascinating cultural phenomenon in a crucial period of significant changes in people’s thoughts and behaviour."" -
The Republic of Venice in the 18th Century
This book traces the last century of life of the Republic of Venice. It aims to show why the “Serenissima”, unlike large countries such as France or England, was not on the way to becoming a modern nation. Until its end, the city of Venice never took the shape of a real national capital, but remained the dominant centre linking wide-ranging and diverse territories around the Adriatic. The particularism, or rather polycentrism, of its state apparatus is the key to understanding its limitations, as well as the legacy left in Venice’s vast domains, reaching from Corfu to Lombardy. In the 18th century the Republic was weak compared to the great European states. Its institutions and leadership had been frozen for two centuries and there was no political reform, although Enlightenment culture diffused widely over the century. On the economic level, however, there was little sign of “decay”: merchant traffic continued to prosper and there were a number of new developments in the manufacturing sphere. -
Giulia Gonzaga. A gentlewoman in the italian reformation
The life of Giulia Gonzaga – a leading figure in a delicate time of transition in 16th-century Italian political, cultural and religious history – brings this period and its dramatic turning-points alive.A favoured disciple of Juan de Valdés and at the centre of his group of followers, as well as a loyal friend of the protonotary Pietro Carnesecchi, who was condemned for heresy and executed, Giulia Gonzaga was strongly tied to her class, her powerful dynasty and to family and political intrigues. Under the shadow of her family, she enjoyed a heterodox experience shared by many others, men and women alike, who were protagonists of an intellectual and spiritual dissent that was harshly repressed by the Church of Rome. Through the life of a woman, this book recounts the shifts in the political balance of power in Italy in the early years of Spanish dominion and how they mixed with religious dissent and with attempts to change the direction of the Church. It also recounts the relationships, friendships and solidarities of an aristocracy, male and female, that sought to play a role in the bitter conflicts that had emerged in Italian society as the Reformation spread throughout Europe. -
Le prigioni italiane nell'età del positivismo. (1861-1914)
Durante il periodo dominato dal determinismo biologico di Cesare Lombroso, l'Italia creò un nuovo sistema carcerario, che cercava di coniugare la criminologia con la costruzione della nazione e con una nuova concezione della cittadinanza. Grazie a un approccio innovativo e interdisciplinare, Mary Gibson analizza l'intersezione tra diritto, genere e criminalità, mettendo al centro della narrazione non solo la popolazione carceraria maschile, ma anche quella di donne e fanciulli. Attraverso l'utilizzo di una grande varietà di fonti primarie finora trascurate, questo studio getta luce anche sulla vita quotidiana dei detenuti e delle detenute in età liberale e sul ruolo svolto dalla riabilitazione nello sviluppo di una nuova identità nazionale. -
La misura dell'inatteso. Ebraismo e cultura italiana (1815-1988)
«Noi studiamo il mutamento perché siamo mutevoli», scriveva il grande storico dell'età classica Arnaldo Momigliano. «A causa del mutamento la nostra conoscenza non sarà mai definitiva: la misura dell'inatteso è infinita». Questo libro affronta il rapporto mutevole fra ebrei e cultura italiana in un arco cronologico inconsueto: dalla Restaurazione al cinquantenario delle leggi razziali, quando si chiude una stagione e se ne apre un'altra, quella dell'uso pubblico della storia nella quale siamo tuttora immersi. I capitoli ruotano intorno a quei personaggi che sono stati capaci di oltrepassare la siepe nei rari momenti in cui il salto fu loro consentito: il primo sionismo, il modernismo, l'antifascismo e i conti con il fascismo, la battaglia per la libertà religiosa dopo il Concordato e l'art. 7 della Costituzione. -
Dacia Maraini. Per un nuovo lessico della letteratura e del teatro
Molto si è scritto intorno all’opera di Dacia Maraini, autrice molto amata e ambasciatrice della cultura italiana nel mondo, anche per l’inedito connubio tra femminismo, scrittura teatrale, scrittura narrativa e poetica nella sua complessa opera e personalità. È possibile ormai provare a ripensare un nuovo lessico della letteratura e del teatro a partire da Maraini restituendole il posto che le spetta, grazie alla novità delle sue personagge e alla lingua del suo teatro nella drammaturgia contemporanea. Così come la vicenda della rivista «effe» e del Teatro La Maddalena di cui Maraini è stata protagonista permette di ripensare la letteratura nelle sue varie forme: le riviste e la scrittura giornalistica, la flessione autobiografica della scrittura della storia, la rappresentazione della fame nell’esperienza dei campi di concentramento, sua e di molte altre. In appendice una conversazione inedita tra Dacia Maraini e Paolo Di Paolo. -
Central Europe as a meeting point of visual cultures. Circulation of persons, artifacts, and ideas
The end of World War I in 1918 meant a radical transformation of Central Europe: the multicultural space of former empires became divided into individual nation-states. This altered all spheres of life, deeply impacting the discipline of art history as well. The cosmopolitan vision of art history developed by figures from the Vienna School such as Franz Wickhoff and Alois Riegl was gradually replaced by new self-referential narratives. This nationalist tendency was reinforced by the division of Europe after World War II. In the wake of Jiří Kroupa’s pioneering studies, this volume takes a truly transcultural approach to art produced in the Central European region from the 12th to the 20th century. Freed from national prejudices, a region shaped by the constant movement of people, ideas, and objects emerges. -
Political objects in the age revolutions. Material culture, national identities, political practices
The importance of things, the vitality and mobility of objects, their ability to offer different viewpoints on life in the past, are all themes that have emerged from the many recent historical studies on material culture. However, the political life of objects has not yet been fully investigated.This volume offers new analytical reflections and insights through a number of European case studies, and in this way reconstructs a material history of politics in the very significant period known as the Age of Revolutions. From the late 18th century and through much of the 19th century, various kinds of objects (pocket-sized, decorative, clothing and other) played an important role in the processes of politicisation and mobilisation that accompanied, preceded and followed revolutionary episodes. Examining political action through material objects gives us deeper insight into the activities and behaviours of men and women in the past and allows us to cross-reference different analytical perspectives that rarely interact. -
Waiting for the emperor. Italian princes, the pope and Charles V
In the 1540s, Italian princes, lords and cardinals wrote to each other using a secret, highly imaginative language. They were waiting for Emperor Charles V to descend on Italy to cut the papacy and Papal States down to size once and for all. Their letters, which have never before been used by historians, were not literary fantasies; behind the fictitious names, metaphors and the ferocious satire against Pope Paul III, there were weapons, money and power.For years, against the background of the battle between the two giants– the pope and the emperor – the courts of Mantua, Florence, Milan and Ferrara pursued a grand plan of containing the pope’s power by allying with men of Charles V. This history of Italy differs greatly from the one we are usually taught. The epoch-making conflict between the ‘Italy of the Emperor’ and the ‘Italy of the Pope’ was not merely political: it was mixed with religious problems, it developed in the sphere of communication, and it left traces in Italian cultural life, on the frescoed walls of palaces and in the pages of books.But the daring project drawn up by the Italian princes in the shade of the imperial eagle failed, and failed forever, as the Counter-Reformation advanced and the sun began to set on the Europe of Charles V. -
Qishloq. Il secolo sovietico in una valle dell'Asia centrale
Con questa microstoria di un grosso villaggio (qishloq, in uzbeko) collocato in territorio tagiko nella valle del Fergana, ma abitato da uzbeki, il più importante antropologo russo specialista di Asia Centrale fornisce uno sguardo interpretativo nuovo sull'intera storia sovietica. Attraverso un lavoro etnografico e archivistico portato avanti fin dagli anni del crollo dell'URSS, Sergej Abasin analizza le gerarchie sociali e la loro evoluzione, il cambiamento culturale, le trasformazioni economiche e la politica locale. Emergono così i significati che abitanti così lontani dal centro dello stato attribuivano alla propria ""sovieticità"""" e la loro appropriazione delle istituzioni sovietiche. Grazie a una ricerca che coniuga esemplarmente storia e antropologia, lo """"sguardo locale"""" di Abasin trasmette al lettore tutta la ricca complessità di relazioni sociali, culturali e di potere che, durante il Novecento, ridefinirono cosa significasse considerarsi musulmani, uzbeki, comunisti. Questo libro è una pietra miliare nell'antropologica storica sia dell'Asia Centrale sia, più in generale, dello spazio ex sovietico."" -
I diritti umani e la trasformazione delle culture politiche e cristiane nel tardo Novecento
Tra la Conferenza di Helsinki nel 1975 e il crollo dell'Urss nel 1991, due attori transnazionali dotati di missioni universaliste, quali il comunismo e la Chiesa cattolica, si sono confrontati con la questione dei diritti umani. L'avvento di Gorbacëv segna un passaggio fondamentale, liberando il tema dalle logiche della guerra fredda. Il suo rapporto con Sacharov appare emblematico, così come è significativo il suo dialogo con Giovanni Paolo II. Il volume mostra come i diritti umani non abbiano semplicemente sostituito le ideologie universaliste ma siano stati un terreno di conflitto e contaminazione per tutte le culture politiche e religiose in Europa, nel mondo comunista e cattolico, ma anche nella socialdemocrazia e nel cristianesimo riformato. -
Gorbachev, italian communism and human rights. Rethinking political culture at the end of the Cold War
The chapters brought together in this volume build on the idea that in the 1970s-1980s the global language of human rights contributed to stimulating ideas of reform in the communist world. The protagonists were Mikhail Gorbachev and the Italian communists. The experience of the PCI was in many ways a peculiar case, but one that was linked to underground ideas of cultural change even in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Gorbachev's ascent signalled a fundamental shift, as he rejected the approach of reducing human rights to an ideological battleground and instead made it the centrepiece of a universalist relaunch. By exploring the encounter between reform communists and human rights, the authors reconstruct the metamorphosis and the end of communism within the context of the wider transformations taking place in European political cultures at the end of the Cold War. -
Women's agency and self-fashioning in Early Modern Tuscany (1300-1600)
The women profiled in these chapters come from diverse cultural, social, economic and spiritual backgrounds: from patrician heads of household to widows, from saints to artistic patrons, each of the women featured in this interdisciplinary study offers us fresh insight and a broader perspective on the position and role of female protagonists in the history of early modern Tuscany.Employing a variety of methodological approaches, and aided by new archival material, this volume examines women’s ordinary and extraordinary experiences through their writings, cultural and religious activities, social and political networks, and commercial endeavors. In so doing, the volume raises insightful questions about the scope of women’s accomplishments and provides new direction for the future study of women’s agency and self-fashioning.