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Stefano Ronci. Confini
In tutta la ricerca di Stefano Ronci, nel suo venire a galla da un nucleo magmatico dove la sperimentazione è la chiave dell’imprevedibile, lo spettatore è sedotto e abbandonato in una zona intermedia di potenzialità e stupore. Come il riguardante, anche l’artista non ha vita facile: gli esiti visuali portati in luce dalle sue pitture-oggetto, come possiamo definire i suoi Paesaggi molli e i Paesaggi piatti, hanno quella tensione environmentale e architettonica che in Ronci scaturisce dall’attitudine per queste discipline, da un lato, e anche dalla sua attività nell’ambito del mondo progettuale dove al termine “visuale” è ascritto e richiesto il compito di tradurre direzioni produttive di aziende ed imprese. -
Els catalans a la Mediterranìa medieval. Noves fonts, recerques i perspectives
Aquesta obra col·lectiva té com a objectiu fer aflorar recerques en curs i noves perspectives d’anàlisi de les circumstàncies i dels efectes de la presència catalana a la Mediterrània medieval.Amb la decidida voluntat de fer convergir els esforços renovadors que s’estan duent a terme des de diverses disciplines, agrupa vint-i-cinc contribucions d’autors i autores europeus i americans, de prestigi internacional, escollides tant pel caràcter innovador com per l’esperit integrador, que poden contribuir a recontextualitzar, sota nous paràmetres, la presència dels catalans a l’espai inter i multicultural que va ser la Mediterrània medieval.Tot plegat, amb la intenció d’avançar cap a una nova comprensió conjunta i cap a una nova aproximació global, més orientada cap a termes d’interacció cultural, social i econòmica, que superi l’enfocament més compartimentat que, tradicionalment, havia guiat l’estudi de l’expansió política, militar o mercantil de la Corona d’Aragó. -
Storie di confine. Appunti e ricerche su un territorio montano (Frignano, secoli VIII-XXI)
La montagna è un luogo che sfida i giudizi e le categorie interpretative degli studiosi. Ritenuto tradizionalmente un ambiente ostile e impervio, un contesto in cui povertà e perifericità si intrecciano, l’areale montano mostra, alla prova dei fatti, un profilo assai più articolato di quanto si creda. I saggi qui riuniti, concentrati sul Frignano, la regione compresa tra la pianura modenese e il crinale tosco-emiliano, esplorano in un’ottica multidisciplinare e di lungo periodo caratteri e rappresentazioni di questo territorio. Dalle analisi proposte, che toccano aspetti istituzionali, storici, demografici e artistici, emerge il valore ambiguo dell’isolamento territoriale, con la sua capacità di conservare, creare equilibri particolari e talora diventare modello positivo cui richiamarsi. -
L' évêque, l'image et la mort. Identité et mémoire au Moyen Âge
La figure de l’évêque occupe une position centrale dans l’organisation ecclésiastique du Moyen Âge et exerce une action déterminante sur tout aspect de la vie politique, spirituelle, culturelle et sociale de cette époque. Apprécier son rôle et connaître les personnes qui occupèrent ce rang constitue une clef essentielle pour une compréhension approfondie de l’époque. Malgré son importance reconnue, la figure de l’évêque n’a cependant pas encore reçu l’attention qu’elle mérite, surtout en ce qui concerne son importance pour l’imaginaire de la chrétienté médiévale.En se focalisant sur l’évêque défunt, cet ouvrage s’attache à un des aspects centraux de l’image épiscopale. Une trentaine d’auteurs provenant d’horizons différents – l’histoire de l’art, l’histoire, la patristique, l’archéologie chrétienne, la théologie… – met en œuvre une multiplicité d’approches pour décrypter des exemples qui vont de l’époque paléochrétienne jusqu’à la fin du Moyen Âge. Leurs enquêtes se déroulent en Italie, en France, au Portugal, à Majorque, en Angleterre, sur l’île de Crète et en Syrie et ont pour objet aussi bien la mémoire de la sépulture, que les monuments funéraires, les figures tutélaires ou contestées, ainsi que l’hagiographie et l’épigraphie. Le livre se veut comme un premier pas, un ensemble polyphonique de recherches et de matériaux inédits qui font dialoguer des disciplines et des traditions d’études parfois trop cloisonnées, dans le but d’attirer l’attention sur un continent encore insuffisamment exploré et de stimuler de nouvelles questions. -
The forgotten story. Rome in the communal period
Hidden by the ancient city and by the extravagances of the baroque period, medieval Rome has for long suffered undeserved discredit. From the time of the Renaissance, the prevailing image of Rome was of a city sunk in neglect amidst the scattered ruins of antiquity. Numerous observers took pleasure in stressing the greed, narrowness of spirit and ignorance of medieval Romans and in contrasting their supposed failings with the heroic virtues of their distant forebears. However, the Eternal City and its inhabitants merit a far different approach. Medieval Rome needs to be studied anew and to be seen as an equal to the other great cities of communal Italy: Florence, Milan and Venice. This is the challenging task which Jean-Claude Maire Vigueur undertook in writing this book which brings to life the largely unknown city of the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries. This broad-ranging study tells the story of Rome during the communal period: barons rub shoulders with leaders of the people, great landowners with agricultural labourers, rich merchants with cardinals and artists, against a backdrop of ancient architectural remains, of medieval farms, of gorgeous religious ceremonies and of unrestrained local festivals. The book provides a detailed and engaging picture which, eschewing clichés and preconceptions, recaptures the Middle Ages in all its colours. -
Papacy, religious orders, and international politics in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
During the early modern age religious orders had to interpret papal strategies and directives in international politics in the light of a substantial ambiguity. They were loyal subjects of the pope, but also trusted agents and advisers of princes. They were operatives of the Holy See and, at the same time, of strategies not necessarily in line with Roman guidelines. This ambiguity resulted in conflicts, both overt and latent, between obedience to the pope and obedience to the sovereign, between membership in a universal religious order and individual «national» origins and personal ties, between observance of Roman directives and the need to maintain good relations with the authorities of the territory in which the religious orders lived and worked. This book aims to examine, through a series of case studies not only in Europe but also America and the Middle East, the roles played by religious orders in the international politics of the Holy See. It seeks to determine the extent to which the orders were mere objects or instruments; whether they were able to give life, more or less openly, to autonomous strategies, and for what reasons; and what awareness of their own identity groups or individuals developed in relation to the influences of international politics in an age of conflict. -
The antique memory and the middle ages. Ediz. illustrata
This volume was born from a desire to leave a tangible trace of the scholarly encounters that have taken place in the past two years at the Center for Early Medieval Studies of the Department of Art History at Masaryk University in Brno. Speaking in various forums Xavier Barral i Altet, Nicolas Bock, Valentina Cantone, Herbert Kessler, Serena Romano and Elisabetta Scirocco have sparked exciting discussions of what continues to be known as a Middle Age. The common denominator that unites all of the scholarly work presented was the dialogue between the medieval “present” and the antique world: from Venice through Campania to Milan, from Constantinople to Burgundy, there emerged an intellectual and visual experience that suggests the medieval period was a uniquely fertile moment for engagement with the heritage of antiquity, filtered and mediated in different ways, but ever present. The purpose of this volume is to understand why and how patterns, images and ideas from the mythical (but visible) ancient past were received throughout the medieval millennium. We seek, that is, to understand why, hic et nunc, clients and workshops deliberately chose to speak in a “classicizing” aesthetic language, or to appropriate concepts belonging to the antique tradition wholesale. -
Innocenzo XI Odescalchi. Papa, politico, committente
Il papato del comasco Innocenzo XI Odescalchi (1676-1689) rappresenta uno snodo decisivo nella rielaborazione della funzione e del valore simbolico del romano pontefice in quello che è stato definito il tempo della crisi della coscienza europea. Il risanamento delle finanze pontificie, il ruolo nodale nella vittoria viennese sui turchi e nella riconquista dell'Ungheria, la creazione del nuovo asse pontificio-imperiale-polacco, il tentativo di abolire il nepotismo e il coraggioso sforzo di riformulazione degli equilibri curiali, sono solo alcune delle tappe di uno dei pontificati più importanti dell'età moderna. Ma il papato Odescalchi può rivelarsi significativo anche sotto il profilo della committenza architettonica e figurativa. Di tutto ciò danno conto, fornendo un quadro aggiornato e di respiro europeo, i saggi qui raccolti. -
Comuni di Jean-Claude Maire Vigueur. Percorsi storiografici
La storia dei comuni è il settore più frequentato e più internazionalmente conosciuto della medievistica italiana. Il libro fornisce un quadro a tutto tondo degli studi, ricostruendo i percorsi di una storiografia dinamica, vasta, in continuo rinnovamento. Ciascun contributo affronta un aspetto della storia comunale, illustrando le discussioni più recenti e le interpretazioni apparse negli ultimi decenni. Con quest’opera collettiva, viene reso omaggio a un grande storico, Jean-Claude Maire Vigueur. Fine interprete del mondo comunale, organizzatore di imprese di ricerca collettive, suggeritore di nuove piste di indagine, questo studioso in un quarantennio di attività ha profondamente rinnovato e condizionato le ricerche. Per questa ragione, parlare della recente storiografia sul mondo comunale vuol dire, in primo luogo, parlare de I comuni di Jean-Claude Maire Vigueur. Ne è uscito un libro che è un momento di riflessione e, insieme, uno strumento di conoscenza, opera di alcuni dei massimi medievisti italiani (e non solo). -
Political order and forms of communication in medieval and early modern Europe
‘Communication’ has become one of the most vibrant areas of current research on medieval and early modern Europe, almost paralleling the heightened popularity of conflict study since the 1980s. However, the nature of this concept seems to be ambiguous and has been defined with multiple nuances. Needless to say, communication in the Middle Ages was usually accomplished by personal presence, contact, and interaction, including conflict and its settlement. In this sense, the process of communication often comprised symbolic and ritual action. In response to concerns about the study of political communication, it should be emphasised that communication may confirm and spread certain fundamental ideas, social values and norms, bringing about certain patterns of behaviour and mentality that can be shared by members of the political body and community. The authors of these essays discuss the characteristics of political communication in medieval and early modern Europe by highlighting two aspects: ‘ritual and symbolic communication’, and ‘conflict, feuds and communication’. -
The court artist in seventeenth-century Italy
Up to now the theme of the artist in the service of Italian courts has been examined in various studies focused mostly on the High Renaissance, as though the phenomenon was relevant only to the XV and XVI centuries. It actually lasted much longer, spanning the whole longue durée of the lives of the courts of the ancient regime. The present volume intends to fill this gap, presenting for the first time a comprehensive examination of the subject of the court artist from sixteenth to seventeenth century and the transformations of this role. “Court artist” is heredefined as one who received a regular salary, and was therefore attached to the court by a more or less exclusive service relationship.The book is divided insix chapters: each of them examines the position of the court artist in the service of the most important ruling families in Italy (the Savoy in Turin, the Gonzaga in Mantua, the Este in Modena, the Della Rovere in Pesaro and Urbino, the Medici in Florence) and in papal Rome, a particular and unique center of power. -
The american exceptionalism revisited
When looking at the US from a European perspective a sort of paradox immediately emerges. On the one hand, the ‘American way of life’ has been penetrating in depth our everyday life and, even more, our Western culture through the music, the movies, the literature and all possible consumerist habits. But, on the other hand, all recurrent statements have been emphasizing the ‘American exceptionalism’ of political institutions, that is, how different and distant the North American institutions are from the European ones with regards to the government leadership, the relationships between existing powers, the connections with the citizens and even the very notion of democracy. This book will not analyze the reasons of such exceptionalism. It addresses a more salient and up to date question: how much exceptionalism is today still present if we compare US democratic institutions to the European ones? In other words, has there been a convergence or are the differences still very strong and accentuated? And if there has been convergence, in what directions? Or if resilient divergences, on what aspects? Moreover, how to explain the convergence, if there has been one? -
Art and observance in renaissance Venice. The dominicans and their artists (1391- ca. 1545)
Observance is a multifaceted and complex reform movement of religious orders. Promoted by the Church at the end of the 14th century, Observance played a central role in the life of many cities during 15th century and beyond. This broad artistic and historical study shed a light on this neglected aspect of the Italian Renaissance: the contribution of the Observance and its forms of devotion to the visual culture of the Early Modern period. Focusing on Dominican Observance in Venice, this book explains its role in the transformation of the religious painting from an iconographical and formal point of view, showing the role of the Dominican Observance in the development and promotion of a more realistic religious painting in which the viewer is actively involved. Based on archival researches, it gives an overview of the reconstruction of the lost artistic and historical heritage of the Dominican houses in Venice ‒ SS. Giovanni e Paolo, S. Domenico di Castello, S. Pietro Martire at Murano and the Corpus Domini. A wide range of artists including Giovanni Bellini, Titian, Lorenzo Lotto, Giuseppe Salviati, Girolamo Savoldo and Fra Bartolommeo produced works of art for these houses. They are analysed in individual chapters according to three main themes: images for the nuns, images for the friars’ private devotion and images to define the Order’s identity in front of the political and religious representatives as well as the faithful. The diachronic approach used by the author enlightens how the Dominican Observance faced major religious movements such as those of the Devotio moderna and the Reformation which promoted Christ-centered and more direct and individual devotional practices. -
Courts and courtly cultures in early modern Italy and Europe. Models and Languages. Ediz. italiana, francese e inglese
This volume deals with the forms of propaganda and self-representation, through words and images, during the rise of the ‘civiltà delle corti’ and through processes typical of the time, such as confrontation, adaptation, competition and rivalry. This period, which marked the passage of Italian and European culture from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, is fundamental in the development of Modern Europe, and it lasted up to the XVIII century and beyond.At the heart of many matters debated here lies the relationship between culture and politics. The formation of a ‘Lombard identity’, central to the Sinergia project which was the frame of the whole research and its conferences, is closely linked to this broad general context. It places the so called ‘questione milanese’ – above the traditional hierarchies ‘Toscana oriented’ – at the centre of many questions regarding Northern Italy as a whole, starting from the dissolution of the Medieval communes, through to the rise of the signorie, from the end of the XIII century and the beginning of the XIV century up to the early XVI century. -
I paesaggi agrari d'Europa (secoli XIII-XV). Atti del 24° Convegno internazionale di studi (Pistoia, 16-19 maggio 2013)
Atti del XXIV Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Pistoia, 16-19 maggio 2013) -
Union in separation. Diasporic groups and identities in the Eastern Mediterranean (1100-1800)
Union in Separation presents a series of case studies on diasporic groups in the late medieval and early modern Mediterranean and Black Sea regions. It explores how Armenian, Byzantine/Greek, Florentine, Genoese, Hospitaller, Jewish, Mamluk, and Venetian communities characterized by diasporic identities and inserted into local contexts navigated religious and socio-ethnic boundaries as well as other categories of difference.The volume draws on a wide range of historical and social-scientific methods and offers new perspectives on the arbitration of difference in the wider eastern Mediterranean from Tana to Cairo and Marseille to Isfahan prior to the emergence of nation states. It provides not only an analytical toolbox for historical diaspora studies but also reveals how, under the looming threat of crusade and within the daily routines of trade, diasporic groups and their hosts negotiated modes of coexistence that oscillated between cooperation and conflict, integration and rejection, union and separation. -
Machiavelli. L'uomo, il politico, il letterato
Questo volume, pubblicato originariamente in inglese nel 2013 in occasione del cinquecentenario del Principe, si è imposto come la biografia per eccellenza di Machiavelli in area anglofona e ha subito suscitato ovunque una grossa eco grazie alle importanti novità che presenta soprattutto relativamente alla famiglia di Machiavelli, alla sua giovinezza (sino a oggi poco conosciuta), e ai suoi anni al servizio della cancelleria fiorentina. Black, ripercorrendo la vita e le opere del più sorprendente e influente interprete politico della storia, ne modifica sostanzialmente l'immagine complessiva. Questa biografia, aggiornata con la bibliografia più recente e arricchita di ben 150 pagine in questa prima versione in italiano, si afferma come opera di riferimento per chiunque voglia avvicinarsi alla vita e all'opera di Machiavelli. -
The transformation of confessional cultures in a central european city: Olomouc, 1400-1750
The Transformation of Confessional Cultures in a Central European City results from a series of projects about the history of Olomouc, a medium-sized royal city in Moravia in the present-day Czech Republic. Set in its regional as well as wider contexts, this study of Olomouc contributes to research into ecclesiastical and religious developments of both the late medieval and early modern periods, and in particular the confessional divisions that followed the German Reformation.The chapters of this book are divided along chronological lines and also divided by topics and themes including:Hussitism and Utraquism, the early Czech Reformation, the impact and influences of the German Reformation, and the revival of the Catholic Church from the second half of the seventeenth century. Even though the struggles between rival confessions in the city only took place between the 1530s and 1650s, the council had asserted the city’s Catholicity against the Hussites in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. This emphasis on the city’s Catholic spirituality, and the importance to the urban community of Catholic ritual and ceremonies was restored from the second half of the seventeenth century. The image of religious life in Olomouc that emerges from this study is of a society with competing Catholic bodies and individuals not only opposed to non-Catholic churches but also with sharp internal rivalries between Catholic institutions over forms of ritual and styles of worship. -
Giotto's O. Ediz. inglese
The subject of this book is the artistic revolution that took place around the year 1300. Young Giotto is the protagonist of this revolution, whose trajectory of development can be traced across the most vibrant and fashionable centres of culture of the time, at the court of the Pope, in the city of Florence, in the rich and cultivated north-eastern Italy, between the court of the Malatesta in Rimini and the Veneto region with its power-house and financial heart in Padua. Above all, the book is about two huge projects that marked the first part of Giotto’s life: the Basilica of Assisi and, in Padua, the Scrovegni Chapel and the Basilica of Saint Anthony. Within his work and in his workshops places and people of Italy at the turn of the century come to life. Relying on stylistic and technical analysis, on a careful reading of iconographical programmes, studying working methods and culling information from artistic works themselves and historical documents, one may gain insights into how Giotto, like no one else, was able to become a catalyst of a new contact with the world, a modern ability to narrate with images and a newly rediscovered love of nature. -
Entre la solitud i la llibertat. Vidues barcelonines a finals de l'Edat Mitjana
La viduïtat representava per a moltes dones un canvi important en les seves vides. L’objectiu d’aquest llibre és analitzar quines conseqüències comportava, en l’àmbit econòmic, social i personal, el fet de perdre la condició de dona casada. La documentació permet constatar que, més enllà del marc legislatiu referent a les vídues barcelonines de la Baixa Edat Mitjana, la seva realitat quotidiana estava plena de dificultats, principalment econòmiques, a les quals havien de fer front. L’ombra de la pobresa amenaçava sovint el seu dia a dia, que en alguns casos, fins i tot, podia desembocar en l’exclusió social. Tanmateix, les possibilitats d’actuació de les vídues medievals dins del seu àmbit social eren diverses, així com també les estratègies que podien desenvolupar per tal d’adaptar-se a les noves circumstàncies, fet que ens permet afirmar que moltes d’elles no acceptaren de braços creuats els infortunis inherents a la viduïtat.